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Stony Lane Elementary Outdoor Classroom and Giving Gardens

North Kingstown

“Funding initiatives to explore weather and climate, increase sustainability with irrigation, and create a seed to harvest growing experience for our students- the GFRI mini grants have been a game changer for us.  Better yet with these improvements, we have donated over 2500 pounds of fresh produce for our community in the last 5 years.”

Through a range of enrichment activities, the Stony Lane Outdoor Classroom and Giving Gardens is a “living” classroom promoting the importance of sustainable gardening and emphasizing students being a contributor of their environment. There are over 390 students, ranging in age from Kindergarten to 5th grade who are all directly involved with caring and nurturing for the Giving Gardens. Stony Lane has been a multiple year mini-grant recipient.  

  “Teaching children they have value and capacity grows a mind, a volunteer and a community. We are thrilled that the Outdoor Classroom has become a multifaceted connection for our students: connecting the Stony Lane Community with our Earth, each other and most of all feeding their community.”

“We know we are making a difference, and we see it.  Our students love to be in the Outdoor Classroom -they are bringing this energy and confidence home and starting their own gardens. It is contagious.”